Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

I'm sure that we could all use a better 2009 than 2008. With all the bad news out there, here's some good news - Tracks & Trails had another record year! Thank you so much to all of our clients, especially the ones that took second, third or fourth trips with us and those that referred new clients. It's your experiences and word-of-mouth that helps us continue to create exciting, fun-filled and affordable vacation packages.

Another big thank you to all of our suppliers (and I mean ALL of them)! From hotels to RV rental companies to campground owners to outfitters, the staff at Tracks & Trails thanks you from the bottom of our hearts. You took great care with our clients and went the extra mile to make sure that they not only had their expectations met, but many times they were exceeded!

And a huge thank you to our staff! We can do so much for you because we have a great team that works fabulously together and truly enjoys working with you. It's you that benefits from their extensive experience and knowledge of the itineraries we recommend. We know this is true because we received many surveys that touted their skills and care in helping you.

Here's to a good year in 2009 for everyone! Keep an eye on Tracks & Trails because we will have more to offer including new modes of travel, new starting cities and a new website with new functions that will help you select that Western Driving Adventure that will be a "trip of a lifetime"!

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